Javascript Challenges

Input Search

Reviewing the code of your colleague you have found this snipped of code:

$( document ).ready( function() {
  $( '#inputSearch' ).keypress( function() {
      $.ajax( {
        url: '',
        data: this.value,
        success: function ( data )
            var results = data.results;
            $( '#list' ).empty();
            $.each( data, function ( item ) {
                $( '#list' ).append( '<li>' + item + '</li>' );
            } );

        error: function ( xhr, status, error ) {
            console.log( 'Something goes wrong!', status, error.message );
      } );
  } );
} );

In this code there is a performance issue that should be fixed, could you help us?



Fix the performance issue:

$( document ).ready( function() { $( '#inputSearch' ).keypress( function() { $.ajax( { url: '', data: this.value, success: function ( data ) { var results = data.results; $( '#list' ).empty(); $.each( data, function ( item ) { $( '#list' ).append( '<li>' + item + '</li>' ); } ); }, error: function ( xhr, status, error ) { console.log( 'Something goes wrong!', status, error.message ); } } ); } ); } );